Choosing love can transform childhood – and children.
Learning and Impact
COVID-19 has disrupted life in countless ways for both adults and children, with some families being impacted more than others. Lockdowns and school closures have meant additional stress for parents and caregivers – and children in difficult circumstances have experienced a rise in protection risks. The impact of violence on children can last a lifetime, and can affect learning, health as well as wellbeing.
At Cities for Children, we believe that every child has the right to feel safe. Most of all, that the home and the school should represent protective orbs in the hands of the trusted adults. We understand the challenges for caregivers, and believe in finding solutions. There is value for every member of the family in considering alternatives to violence – and positive approaches to discipline.
We’ve created a resource to make a case against violent discipline (maar) and a case for love (pyaar) – along with some helpful tips around positive discipline. Reviewed by some wonderful experts and including home-tested strategies, we have something for everyone in a parent, teacher or caregiver role. Read, enjoy, use and share.
CfC – Positive Caregiving Resource (English) (full document)
Tips for Positive Caregiving (English) (tip sheets only)
CfC Positive Caregiving Resource (Urdu) (full document)
Tips for Positive Caregiving (Urdu) (tip sheets only)