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Cities for Children

COVID-19 Relief Volunteer Guidelines

During the COVID-19 pandemic, families and children in urban poverty were disproportionately affected. Their lives and livelihoods were hugely impacted by lockdown conditions, particularly those depending on daily wages for survival. In places like Pakistan, there was a surge of generosity and goodwill, with many people stepping up to deliver relief in terms of rations and monetary support, particularly in large slum communities. The government of Pakistan also launched a massive welfare programme, along with a “Corona Relief Tigers Force” constituted of youth volunteers.

Based on our experience delivering projects with teams of volunteers in slum communities, we developed some volunteer guidelines as well as suggested protocols for organisations delivering relief. Our primary concerns were that safety protocols be established and observed, and that while doing good, relief providers Do No Harm (e.g. by excluding communities on the basis of religious belief, as was experienced in some cases). We had some support from Oxfam UK, who kindly shared their organisational guidelines particularly in terms of supporting mental health for staff and volunteers.

Please see the documents below for guidelines in both English and Urdu, and share with your networks.

Stay safe, stay kind, stay in this together!

Coronavirus relief protocols ENGLISH

Coronavirus relief protocols URDU